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As Christians, Do you think we actually go to "HEAVEN" when we die? 

There are some who believe that when we pass, we automatically leave this body and go to heaven or hell.  

What are your beliefs when it comes to this???? 

4/19/2013 06:53:26 am

Yes. Those who die BEFORE the rapture are raised only if they are going to Heaven. Those who die without knowing Christ will lay in spiritual sleep until after the 2nd coming, at which time all people not saved will be raised and judged. If you die AFTER the rapture, the Bible says you sleep spiritually until Christ comes back for the first resurrection post rapture. At that time Christ will raise all of those who gave their life in HIS name during the tribulation period. Those saints will reign with Christ on Earth for 1000 years. For this reason, I dont believe Christ would raise those who gave their lives for HIM after the rapture and let those who "lived" their life for HIM before the rapture stay sleep spiritually. So yes, I do believe anyone who dies knowing Christ and being saved goes to Heaven.

4/21/2013 12:45:18 am

I would have to agree. In 1 Thessalonians the bible talks about God will bring with Jesus those who have fallen asleep in him (the dead). Therefore I can conclude that when you die you will be with Jesus and come back with him to get the rest who have died after the rapture.

Ron Liggins
4/29/2013 02:47:59 am

I look at it a little different then most people. When I die in Christ, I really don't care "when" I go to Heaven. Heaven bound is my mark that I have to press toward so that I don't go anywhere else. Good topic for discussion though.


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    April 2013



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