Helping to build deeper relationships with God
There is truth in a prophecy but you just have to really search for the true meaning for what God has placed in your life. Have you ever had someone prophesied over your life and the entire church goes in an uproar with “I told you so, you need to be obedient, you need to stop running” etc.? Yeah I’m sure we all have. Here is the problem with that. People take that as God confirming what “they” think you should be doing. I will give them some credit because sometimes that’s true. But how many times have you thought to yourself, “That is not how I took that prophecy”. The reason you may have thought that is because only you know what God has told you to do. We get caught up into doing what everybody else wants us to do or what they think we should be doing that we miss out on what God has really called us to do; and with that we get no peace. We actually give our peace away to those who think that we are in our right place. Have you ever noticed that when you’re doing what somebody thinks you should be doing THEY have so much peace? But you will only find your own peace when YOU are doing what God called YOU to do.

When we surrender and do what people want us to do at that point we are no longer serving God, we are serving man and man’s needs. (But we look good doing it and everybody’s happy but yourself deep down inside) Luke 4:8 says “Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve”. HIM ONLY are the key words in that scripture. You have to remember, regardless of who the word came from and what their title is or who they are etc., we need to listen and be obedient to God and him only! I think that God will have people say things to us as a test to see if we are going to listen to them because of who they are and what title they hold or to see if we are really going to listen to him, God. Most of the time we follow blindly to the person’s words that they have poured into our lives because they are the Pastor, Bishop, Apostle, Minister, Evangelist, etc. But we really need to take a step back and analyze and study what they have told us. We need to see if it lines up with what God has told us to do. If it doesn’t and you know it doesn’t then there are two things that you can chalk it up to. One, God testing you to see who you are really listening to or two, it may not be the right time. God may be calling you to do what the person has prophesied but it doesn’t mean RIGHT NOW. What you end up with is a bunch of unfinished tasks because you’re jumping around from prophecy to prophecy without fulfilling any of them.

Here is my message to the people “casting the stones”. Stop trying to run everyone’s life with what you think they are supposed to be doing and just sit back and let God do the work. You will get more glory out of that because if the person ends up doing what “you” think they should be doing and you didn’t say anything to them, then you know its God. How can you say that someone is doing what God told them to do if you’re constantly beating them down with it every time you see them? How do you know who they are really listening to? You can’t say for sure that they are listening to God. If every day I tell my daughter that God said you need to make up your bed (because she’s always leaving it unmade) and then one day she makes it up, how can I say that she finally listened to God? For all I know she’s tired of me telling her every day. Well it’s no different when you do that to other Christians. Sooner or later they will give in. And when they do, we will stick our chest out and say “It’s about time you become obedient and surrendered to God”. How sad is that???

I guess I said all of that to say this. When a prophecy is given, sit back, don’t say a word and watch God move. Then when the prophecy is fulfilled, you know its God.

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    Cedric Robinson

    I Have things to say so if you want to hear it, here it goes.... LOL!


    April 2013



CedNet Ministries